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A memecoin made by AI for the people

About Meowster

Inspired by Turbo and their flawless execution, we decided to adopt a similar concept.

We allocated a budget of $69 to GPT-4 and followed its instructions to create the next great meme coin.

We have documented the creation phase to inspire and teach others how they can do the same.


Renounced contract

No taxes

Total supply 1 Trillion

Liquidity pool 100%

Liquidity locked in decentralized exchange

Character: Meowster

Name: Meowster


Meowster is a mischievous yet charming cat who loves playing with digital currencies and spreading joy. With a playful personality and an adventurous spirit, Meowster embodies the fun and community-driven nature of Meow Money.


1. Launch & Distribution

2. Commuinty Building

Complete the public launch and establish liquidity on DEXs.

Distribute tokens and initiate initial marketing and airdrop campaigns.

3. Ecosystem expansion

Introduce community governance to involve holders in decision-making.

Implement comprehensive marketing strategies to build and engage the community.

Host virtual events, AMAs, and competitions to increase community interaction and participation.

4. Continuous Improvement

Regularly update the project based on community feedback.

Conduct additional security audits and scale the project according to market demands.